bernese mountain dog rescue

bernese mountain dog rescue

Bernese Mountain Dog temperament

The Bernese Mountain Dog is a peaceful, quiet companion , familiar (for example, after leaving the stage of adolescence) . It is sensitive, loyal and very dedicated last . He is gentle with children and often reserved with strangers . Usually obtained with other dogs and pets bernese mountain dog rescue.

Bernese Mountain Dog Dog Care

This dog loves the outdoors , bernese mountain dog rescue especially in cold climates . He needs daily exercise , but moderate , a hike or a walk in the e -mail . It is so in tune with his human family that can not be relegated to living alone in the yard bernese mountain dog rescue. The interior has plenty of space to stretch out . Its coat needs brushing once or twice a week , usually when you move last chance animal rescue. Life Berne is described by a Swiss expression . " Three years a young dog, three years a good dog bernese mountain dog rescue, and three years an old dog while the rest is a gift from God last chance animal rescue .

Bernese Mountain Dog Health

Major concerns : CHD , elbow dysplasia , histiocytosis , OCD
Minor problems: fragmented coronoid process , gastric torsion , PRA
Occasionally seen : Hypomyelination
Suggested tests : hip, elbow , eye
Lifespan: 7-9 years
Note: Care must be taken to avoid heat stroke bernese mountain dog rescue dogs for homes .

1 commentaires :

  1. Great topic related to pet care you have taken to discuss here. I personally believe that sometimes having a pet may help people in improving their lifestyles.
    Thanks & Regards,
    Dog training in Malaysia



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